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Harm Lust

Creative Director

Actually I wanted to be a brain surgeon or a detective in bloody, violent cases. But it was not to be. My father Pieter Lust, creator designer, writer and director of puppet and animation films had already decided that I would be his ideal successor. The path was already there, it just had to be leveled. And that’s what I’ve been doing for the past 40 years.I Went to Art School. Worldwide I directed thousands of commercials ( live action and animation ) I wrote and drew children’s books. Made illustrations for magazines. I drew, wrote and directed formats for television. I got awards at festivals in Montreux, Cannes, London, New York, Hollywood and Amsterdam. But, above all, I learned the trade. And now after surviving  a serious illness that kept me busy for several years, I started with Hendrik van Varik a new company, Moonmedia Entertainment. In which I have hosted 6 of my creations. Fortunately, I am not such a tyrant as my father, so I let my daughters make their own choices. Daughter Noa who wanted to study psychology is now a renowned make-up artist and is participating in the Truffles pilot, and Daughter Roos who wanted to study law is listed on this page as our marketing and communication expert. By the way, I am also a composer, I wrote about 30 songs for the Truffles with my buddies Kemal Ultanur and Wim Brogt.

Harm Lust

Creative Director

Actually I wanted to be a brain surgeon or a detective in bloody, violent cases. But it was not to be. My father Pieter Lust, creator designer, writer and director of puppet and animation films had already decided that I would be his ideal successor. The path was already there, it just had to be leveled. And that’s what I’ve been doing for the past 40 years.I Went to Art School. Worldwide I directed thousands of commercials ( live action and animation ) I wrote and drew children’s books. Made illustrations for magazines. I drew, wrote and directed formats for television. I got awards at festivals in Montreux, Cannes, London, New York, Hollywood and Amsterdam. But, above all, I learned the trade. And now after surviving  a serious illness that kept me busy for several years, I started with Hendrik van Varik a new company, Moonmedia Entertainment. In which I have hosted 6 of my creations. Fortunately, I am not such a tyrant as my father, so I let my daughters make their own choices. Daughter Noa who wanted to study psychology is now a renowned make-up artist and is participating in the Truffles pilot, and Daughter Roos who wanted to study law is listed on this page as our marketing and communication expert. By the way, I am also a composer, I wrote about 30 songs for the Truffles with my buddies Kemal Ultanur and Wim Brogt.


Henny van Varik

Managing Director

Henny van Varik, creative director (advertising). Extended the lifecycle of the Duck (2CV) with a simple poster. Made the first purely visual car campaign in the Netherlands for Citroën.

Together with Ron Meijer, he ensured that the money flowed into the Aids Fonds. And got the Netherlands on the slippery slope with Forbo Krommenie. The corporate IBM campaign with the dashes is still on everyone's mind.

Earned money for Westland Utrecht with a campaign for mortgages. And got the ball rolling for Holland Casino.

Won eight ADCN lamps, countless ADCN mentions, Clio's and Eurobest Award. Plus Effie for Eurocamp Holidays.

Was creative director of Foote, Cone & Belding and founder of Akkerman, Meijer, Van Varik. Hereafter co-director of GGK Amsterdam.

Ended his advertising career as Head of Art of Saatchi & Saatchi.

Henny was a lecturer at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam for many years.

Started a new adventure, together with Harm Lust as co-founder of Moonmedia Entertainment.

Roos Lust

Marketing & Communication

AnneMarie Adriaans

Merchandising & Promotions


Rimme van Varik

Sourcing Asia

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Zijlstraat 51 RD

2011 TK  Haarlem


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